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lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

DAEMONESS GUITARS... So cool that even Britney and Rihanna want one ¡¡¡



I started Daemoness Guitars because I wanted to make the worlds best metal guitars. I wanted to make guitars which performed to the limits of what is possible in playability and sound, but also have a distinct character that inspires you as you play. My guitars are more than simple tools, I give each one its own identity. I have been playing guitar since I was a child, and have seen how both the metal guitar and the metal guitarist have evolved over the years. I create instruments that encapsulate the concepts within metal that have proved over time to be of worth. That is to say; my guitars represent the classic and yet the evolution of the instrument.
I am a professionally trained luthier. I work in Bristol, England, in a workshop I share with Tom Waghorn. Tom taught me to make guitars, and is one of the most in demand and well respected luthiers in the British Isles. It was during my apprenticeship with Tom that I decided that I wanted to concentrate solely on electric guitars, and give metal guitarists a brand dedicated to them that could compete in quality with the big names. I think of my guitars as having evolved from what has gone before but exciting, new and inspiring in their own right. I like to be able to offer guitarists new, workable metal guitar designs that are my own, but also the option of making something totally from scratch to their own specific design. I think it is important for the evolution of the guitar to move forward, but new designs must have enough established content in them for guitarists to be able to relate to them.
The guitars I make do not have to appease themselves to anybody who does not understand or support metal, or the electric guitar. I’m not interested in their opinions and do not afford them any input into my vision for the ultimate metal guitars; for to do so would be allowing them input into something that is not theirs. My guitars are for metal guitarists. Big brand guitar companies produce some amazing instruments that are inspiring to me, but they can never produce instruments that truly define the music. This is because they are to closely linked with big business and the mainstream, which is uncomfortable with were metal dwells within the human condition. My guitars are not sanitized to conform to the mainstream.

I take a lot of inspiration for my guitars from medieval and classical art, literature and philosophy, as well as ancient Nordic mythology and craftsmanship. I am fascinated by medieval art because it was during this time that it first entered (into western thought) the possibility that the world could end. I detect in this a correspondence with the ideas that have inspired metal into being.

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